Friday, February 24, 2012

From Where I Sit

It is another election year and the politicians are well into their verbal barrages against their presumed foes. Two major camps, Democrats and Republicans waging a never-ending battle of mutually deserved destruction. Throw in an additional two or three Independents and it looks like a brawl in a ghetto bar. But this year it is even better because the Republican candidates are ambitiously attacking the rivals within their own party. The by-product of all this infighting is the materials from which President Obama can be a huge ammunition stockpile. All the Republican bickering, name-calling and finger-pointing will come back to haunt the eventual chosen candidate. And best of all will be the debate footage which, like a nuclear weapon, will not just annihilate the opposition but will reign down a continuous malicious fallout until the next election cycle.

I love a good election year, don't you?